Allying yourself with Solar Experts to Ready your Homes for Solar + Storage

About one-third of all new homes in Oregon participate in the new homes offer from Energy Trust of Oregon, and over 10% of them are solar-ready. The next frontier for Oregon builders is to incorporate installed solar + storage, as well as EV charging. In this session, you’ll hear about Energy Trust’s offers for EV charging, solar, and storage features. You’ll also hear about a new offer being developed for installed storage, and the research efforts that are informing it. Spoiler – an efficient shell is key to the energy resilience of a home with solar + storage. And you’ll hear from solar + storage installers, as well as builders working with solar + storage installers, to offer homes that are energy efficient and energy resilient.

Location: The Medallion Room Date: April 19, 2024 Time: 9:30 am - 10:20 am Donald MacOdrum Jo Blinman Kevin Gooley Josh Salinger