Matthew Brown, CGP

Matt Brown- Director of Energy Policy and Code- With over 15 years of experience in the construction industry, he brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to APA. His career began with a prominent regional production builder and progressed through roles at an energy rating and engineering firm before joining APA in 2014. Brown’s profound understanding of energy efficiency and sustainability in wood construction has made him the ideal candidate for educating stakeholders, including raters, code officials, designers, and builders, on behalf of the industry.

He serves as a key advisor and advocate for APA and its members on vital energy, code, and sustainability policy issues. He spearheads the development and implementation of strategic energy and sustainability initiatives, coordinating with internal and external stakeholders on behalf of the industry. He plays vital role in educating both the public and policymakers on how to leverage engineered wood’s natural R-value and low embodied carbon properties.

Matt holds a degree in construction management engineering technology (CMET) from Purdue University Northwest, is a certified green professional, and has exceptional expertise in energy policy as it applies to wood-frame construction. Outside of his professional life, Matt enjoys BBQing and sharing his culinary skills with others. His passion for his work and hobbies alike reflects his commitment to excellence and community.



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